Church Schools and School Values
Jesus said “I have come that they may have life in all its fullness.” John 10:10
Life in all its fullness is about living a life full of rich learning, joy, curiosity, growing and developing confidence, co-operating and caring and supporting each other.
At school, we regularly reflect on what “Life in all its fullness” means to us.
School Values 24/25
Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship and Respect.
Term 3 - Courage
Carrying on when things get difficult
Overcoming fear
Understanding and facing a challenge
Risking being outside your comfort zone
Always believing in God’s promises
Going for a goal
Empowered by encouragement
Term 2 - Compassion
Term 1 2024 - Generosity
Rooted in Bible teachings, our Christian values guide and teach our whole school community how we can show these values in our everyday lives.
We express our Christian values in all we think, do, and say, whilst always respecting people of other faiths or none.
Each term we focus on one value and make links with the seasons of the church. We use Roots & Fruits and Roots and Fruits 2 which supports our 'whole school' worship, and we celebrate every week with a Christian value award.
Forgive Others |
Matthew 18.21-22
John 1.43-50 |
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10.29-37 |
Do Not Judge Others
Matthew 7.1-5 |
Jesus Feeds 5000
John 6.1-13 |
Blessed are the peacemakers
Matthew 5.1-10 |
Jesus clears the temple
Matthew 21.12-13 |
Do not be worried
Matthew 6.25-28 |
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Luke 18.9-14 |
Jesus calms the storm
Mark 4.35-41 |
Asking Wise Questions (Jesus in the Temple) |
Luke 2.41-50 |
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders |
Matthew 7.24-27 |
The Parable of the Sower
Luke 8.4-15 |
Holy Week and Easter – Thomas and Believing |
Mark 14.17-25 |
'Blessed are those who find wisdom'
Proverbs 3.13
'Let The Children Come To Me...For The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs To Such As These'
Matthew 19.14
Stories Illustrating Dignity
The Mustard Seed
The Children
The Fruitful Lives of Dr Martin Luther King, George Cadbury and Mother Teresa
'Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice'
Romans 12:15
Stories Illustrating Joy
The Lost Sheep
Jesus Heals 10 Men with Leprosy
I am the Light of The World
T1 Value
'May the God of Hope Fill You With Joy and Peace'
Romans 15.13
Stories and People Illustrating Hope
the Loving Father and the Prodigal Son
John the Baptist
The Life of Louis Braillle
Celebrate the joys of life-long learning
S pending time with others
Enjoying giving help
Responsibility in action
Volunteering willingly
I second, you first
Committing to a task
Everyone offers their talents and gifts
How do you serve others?
How do you use your skills, talents, and gifts to benefit others/communities?
Justice is ……..
Judging what is right
Understanding what is fair
Standing up for those who need help
Trying to listen to both sides
Informed and wise decisions
Caring enough to take action
Equal opportunities for all
Act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with your God.
Book of Micah 6.8
Our whole school value in T3 was Perseverance
Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us.
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.
Hebrews 12.1-2
Perseverance is.......
Pressing on
Eager to continue
Running the race
Sticking with things
Encouraging each other to keep going
Valuing the support of others
Eyes fixed on the target
Reaching a goal over time
Aiming to complete the task
Not giving up
Commitment to keep going
Ending up where you want to be
We invite staff, pupils, parents, and the wider community to engage with our value through notifications in our newsletters, Celebration Assemblies, and links with our church family.